Dr. Bhawisha Joshi - Dr. Shachindra Joshi

MAP Level 4. Reptiles, Rodents & Birds

For more than 25 years has the Indian homeopath couple Dres. Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi been working and researching on remedy classification based on the periodic table of elements in order to improve and straighten case taking, analysis and remedy selection. Their broader and also deeper understanding of remedies is depicted in their MAP system (Minerals-Animals-Plants), a classification matrix that enables us to identify any natural remedy, even including smaller, previously unknown substances.

MAP is constantly growing by the ongoing clinical experience with patients from their own clinic and from colleagues all over the world. Joshis' biggest expertise and contribution to the PSE system is about the animal kingdom, where they've found a combination of four criteria to identify the needed remedy, based on the patient's life patterns.

This English-German online seminar is mainly about Level 4 (iron series in PSE) and presents typical cases and remedies (reptiles, birds, mammals, especially rodents). For a better understanding of level 4 as the main topic of this seminar we are first given a compact survey of all levels and columns (with examples from the Psittaciformes, ref. picture above). While the levels represent where we are in life, what we want and what we can reach, the columns show in which way we try to achieve it. This universal matrix, originally discovered by Jan Scholten, reflects possible developments in life. The PSE also forms the basic grid of the wider and more differentiated MAP system. Discussing it we understand why the level is more relevant than the single kingdom, even the kingdom finally leads us to a specific substance. The level represents the individual challenge of a person. A plant will deal with this challenge in a different way than a mineral or animal.

Common features and themes of level 4 are sustaining existence by working hard, staying strong and needing to feel protected, often by building material fortresses which supply security. When a person in this level has managed to feel securely protected, he will be happy. Unhappiness, insecurity and possible disease arise out of deficits in achieving this. When the correct remedy is given, the person won't change the level, but becomes more able to handle it.

Selecting remedies within the MAP system requires the combination of four aspects of the patient: the base level, the predominant level and the capacity level. How do these levels come out in the consultation?

To demonstrate this system in its daily clinical application, the lecturers present five comprehensive cases and animal groups of level 4 and compare them to each other: Reptiles with Elapidae and Viperidae (3-4-6), lizards (3-4-5) and crocodiles (3-4/6-4/6), mammals (especially rodents 3-4-3) and a level 4 group of birds (hoopoes). What are the typical characteristics of a L4-reptile im compare to a L4-mammal or bird? How do we differentiate mouse-like and squirrel-like rodents? And how can we compare them to birds of the same combination? Typical level 4 birds are Bucerotiformes (hoopoes and hornbills).

With their clear, comprehensive differentiations and selected example cases, the two homeopathy experts introduce us to helpful remedies from an important part of the animal kingdom and give us a deeper understanding of the problems and conflicts of level 4 patients.

Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich!
This seminar is also available with German translation: DH-222D

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For more than 25 years has the Indian homeopath couple Dres. Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi... mehr

For more than 25 years has the Indian homeopath couple Dres. Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi been working and researching on remedy classification based on the periodic table of elements in order to improve and straighten case taking, analysis and remedy selection. Their broader and also deeper understanding of remedies is depicted in their MAP system (Minerals-Animals-Plants), a classification matrix that enables us to identify any natural remedy, even including smaller, previously unknown substances.

MAP is constantly growing by the ongoing clinical experience with patients from their own clinic and from colleagues all over the world. Joshis' biggest expertise and contribution to the PSE system is about the animal kingdom, where they've found a combination of four criteria to identify the needed remedy, based on the patient's life patterns.

This English-German online seminar is mainly about Level 4 (iron series in PSE) and presents typical cases and remedies (reptiles, birds, mammals, especially rodents). The seminar opens with some interesting experiences on acute and chronic Covid, especially problems after vaccination and Post Covid syndromes ("never well since..."). In the first acute Covid waves, with fear and insecurity being dominant, mostly level 4 remedies (Arsenicum, Bryonia) were needed. In the later waves more level 6 remedies (lost autonomy) came up.

For a better understanding of level 4 as the main topic of this seminar we are first given a compact survey of all levels and columns (with examples from the Psittaciformes, ref. picture above). While the levels represent where we are in life, what we want and what we can reach, the columns show in which way we try to achieve it. This universal matrix, originally discovered by Jan Scholten, reflects possible developments in life. The PSE also forms the basic grid of the wider and more differentiated MAP system. Discussing it we understand why the level is more relevant than the single kingdom, even the kingdom finally leads us to a specific substance. The level represents the individual challenge of a person. A plant will deal with this challenge in a different way than a mineral or animal.

Common features and themes of level 4 are sustaining existence by working hard, staying strong and needing to feel protected, often by building material fortresses which supply security. When a person in this level has managed to feel securely protected, he will be happy. Unhappiness, insecurity and possible disease arise out of deficits in achieving this. When the correct remedy is given, the person won't change the level, but becomes more able to handle it.

One aspect of levels is about how people deal with boundaries. While invertebrates (without skeleton, level 2) feel as if they have no boundaries at all, lower vertebrates (level 3) try to find their individual boundaries. Level 4 needs to secure his boundaries. Bird orders from different levels display this by the way they build their nests. Typical life strategies of level 4 are based on their fear of the unpredictable. They are predictable themselves, loyal, loving clear patterns and reliable routines, with a strong sense for right or wrong. On the other hand they can be inflexible and rigid, with constant fears of being attacked.

Selecting remedies within the MAP system requires the combination of four aspects of the patient: the base level, the predominant level and the capacity level. How do these levels come out in the consultation? Mostly we first recognize the patient's predominant and capacity levels. The predominant level describes the patient's aspiration in life, his driving force, wishes, dreams and desires. The capacity level tells us what the person factually is able to reach. The base level forms the "background noise", recognizable by the way a patients speaks and expresses. Invertebrates (BL 3) for example don't speak much about themselves ("I-form"), but about facts and events. In the end the column tells us which way a person tries to elaborate his levels, which is also the major source of frustration.

To demonstrate this system in its daily clinical application, the lecturers present five comprehensive cases and animal groups of level 4 and compare them to each other: Reptiles with Elapidae and Viperidae (3-4-6), lizards (3-4-5) and crocodiles (3-4/6-4/6), mammals (especially rodents 3-4-3) and a level 4 group of birds (hoopoes). What are the typical characteristics of a L4-reptile im compare to a L4-mammal or bird? How do we differentiate mouse-like and squirrel-like rodents? And how can we compare them to birds of the same combination? Typical level 4 birds are Bucerotiformes (hoopoes and hornbills).

With their clear, comprehensive differentiations and selected example cases, the two homeopathy experts introduce us to helpful remedies from an important part of the animal kingdom and give us a deeper understanding of the problems and conflicts of level 4 patients.

Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich!
This seminar is also available with German translation: DH-222D

Abbreviations Ln = Level number BL = Base Level PL = Predominant Level CL = Capacity Level... mehr
Ln = Level number
BL = Base Level
PL = Predominant Level
CL = Capacity Level

Part 1 (110:23)
1. MAP is growing / Problems from Covid vaccinations (00:00)
2. Level 4 remedies during first Covid wave: Arsenicum, Bryonia, Antimonium tart. / Later Covid waves: Level 6 (09:34)
3. Level 4 summary / Repetition of all seven levels / Levels and columns in the PSE (12:16)
4. Example of level 3: Identity in the group / Level 4 blueprint: Characteristics and topics / Thriving and suffering / Importance of pattern, not kingdom (23:25)
5. Level 4: Securing boundaries / Differentiation of boundaries in different levels / Differentiation between vertebrates and invertebrates / Boundaries in L1 to L3 (39:43)
6. Boundaries in L4 to L6 / Typical expressions of L4 / Differentiation of birds by nest building (52:06)
7. L4 topic: strategy, planning, routine / Predictable / Fears of attack / Example insects (65:16)
8. Base, predominant and capacity level / Example Psittaciformes (83:39)

Part 2 (121:54)
1. Case 1 (M, 76): autoimmune vasculitis, fatigue, prostate cancer (00:00)
2. Case 1: analysis / PL 4: stress in life? (06:48)
3. Case 1: other stresses / Paternal worry about son / Stress tells you the levels (15:08)
4. What keeps you ticking? What do you enjoy in life? / Teaching (26:42)
5. Case 1: How do you deal with superiors? (29:51)
6. Case 1: Survival strategy: finding the weakness of the opponent / Levels 3-4-6: Naja tripudians (44:35)
7. Case 1: Followup (57:36)
8. Relation between aspiration and disease / Reptiles and PL 4 / Differentiation between reptiles, mammals and birds / Similarities among even and odd levels (64:16)
9. Important reptiles / Viperidae, Elapidae, Crocodiles / Masters of camouflage/ Case 2 (M, 69): Hyperacidity, lump sensation in throat (84:25)
10. Case 2: Dreams of snakes, someone tries to kill him / Sensitivity to being cheated (105:35)

Part 3 (116:55)
1. Highest importance: predominant level (aspiration) (00:00)
2. Predominant and capacity level / Example of PL 5: Wanting to be different from the rest / Capacity level: what you achieve (05:06)
3. The base level: Background sound / Differentiation between vertebrates and invertebrates (16:03)
4. Streaks: aspects of another level / Meaning of column (22:24)
5. Case 2: PL4: Wanting to do simple things in life (29:06)
6. Case 2: Base level? / Him and others: BL 3 (background) / Reptile quality: likes to stay alone (39:50)
7. Case 2: Column (52:40)
8. 3-4-6 with columns 16-17: Elapidae / Elaps corallinus (61:28)
9. Lymph node swelling, lump, suspected tuberculosis (74:16)
10. Use of nosodes / Lymph node: Malandrinum / Post vaccination remedies (94:34)

Part 4 (121:33)
1. Case 3 (F): Panic attacks, asthma, rheumatism / feeling of attack, constant alert / L4 feeling (00:00)
2. Case 3: BL 3 with PL 4 / Background: husband, family, children, group (11:40)
3. Case 3: Protecting family from attacks, always hurrying: Rodents / Feeling of failure: Column on the right side / Rodents 3-4-3 (19:52)
4. Streak L2 / Rodents: too open, others take advantage (34:46)
5. Indecision, trapped feeling / Two steps forward, two steps back / DD Mouse-like vs. Squirrel-like rodents (50:34)
6. Rodents: like to be prepared / Comparison between BL3-PL4 birds and rodents / Sciurus vulgaris (63:48)
7. Case 3: Follow-up (76:07)
8. MAP-Website (maps.joshimap.com) (85:30)
9. Case 4 (F, 44): Allergies, eczema / suppressed anger / feeling ignored, weak, not loved (92:55)
10. Case 4: ambition and goals: house, shelter = L4 (113:23)

Part 5 (133:24)
1. Case 4: Reaction: I will die / Daily schedule? (00:00)
2. Case 4: Vulnerability, fragility, weakness (12:57)
3. Case 4: Childhood, abuse / Feeling incapable: BL 2, streak L3 (18:01)
4. Case 4: Invertebrates 2-2-3 / Gastropods / Conchiolinum / Follow up / Kauri snail (29:46)
5. Remarks about shellfish (49:45)
6. Case 5 (F): PTSD after divorce (60:15)
7. Case 5: What do you want? / Differentiation between L3/L4 birds and rodents / Very productive: column 8 / BL 3: family / Level 4 bird: structured life (76:11)
8. Case 5: difficult childhood, trying to please her mother etc. / CL5 (87:23)
9. Case 5: Analysis / Behavior of hoopoes and hornbills / 3-4-5 column 8 / Bucerotiformes (Hornvögel und Hopfe) / Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops) (96:05)
10. Case 5: Follow up / Pharmaceutical sources for remedies / (108:33)
Joshi, Bhawisha; Joshi, Shachindra mehr

Joshi, Bhawisha

Dr. Shachindra Joshi

Dr. Bhawisha Joshi (MD Hom) und Dr. Shachindra Joshi (MD Hom) sind innerhalb der Sensation-Homöopathie die weltweit führenden Erforscher und Kenner der tierischen Heilmittel. Ausgehend von einer klaren zoologischen Systematik, verifiziert durch eigene Arzneimittelprüfungen und hunderte geheilte Fälle haben die Joshis ein nachvollziehbares System geschaffen, das ein tiefes Verständnis bekannter wie auch neuer tierischer Arzneimittelfamilien ermöglicht. In Deutschland sind sie bekannt durch ihre Bücher zum Periodensystem, den Imponderabilien und Nosoden, die eine vertiefte Sicht auf diese Mittelgruppen eröffnen.

Ihr großes Verdienst besteht in der Erforschung der Verbindung zwischen tierischen Heilmitteln und ihren Entsprechungen zu den Themen der Reihen und Spalten des Periodensystems. Als Lehrer vermitteln die Joshis ihre profunden Kenntnisse auf spielerische und humorvolle Weise. Ihr lebendiger Unterrichtsstil inspiriert die TeilnehmerInnen ihrer Seminare auf leichtfüßige Weise die Übereinstimmung des Musters zwischen Mensch und Mittel in den vorgestellten Fällen zu erkennen und setzt damit nachhaltige Impulse für die eigene Praxistätigkeit.

Nähere Informationen über unseren Autor Dr. Shachindra Joshi (Webseite): https://www.drjoshisclinic.com

Information on the authors' new book about Birds in MAP System is available here: "The System of MAP and Birds in Homeopathy"

5 MP3 Audio files for download

Bild auf der Covervorderseite:
Psittaciformes © Bhawisha & Shachindra Joshi (from their book "The System of MAP and Birds in Homeopathy"


Verlag Homöopathie + Symbol, Martin Bomhardt, Liebigstr. 36, 10247 Berlin, E-Mail: info@homsym.de

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Angaben zur Produktsicherheit / Warnhinweise
Dieser Titel (Inhalt des Produkts) enthält fachkundliche Informationen für/über Heilberufe und heilkundliche Anwendungen, jedoch keine Werbung für bestimmte Heilmittel/-behandlungen. Er gibt ausschließlich die persönliche Meinung und subjektive Erfahrung des/der jeweiligen Autor*in*nen wieder. Keinesfalls können bestimmte Inhalte, insbesondere im Medium wiedergegebene Hinweise zu medizinischen Anwendungen (z. B. zur Einnahme bestimmer Arzneien) als konkreter Ratgeber oder gar Anleitung zur (Selbst-)Behandlung verstanden werden, insbesondere nicht von medizinischen Laien. Im Falle eines Behandlungsbedarfs halten Sie bitte Rücksprache mit professionellen Therapeut*innen, inbesondere Ihrem Hausarzt/Ärztin, um mögliche gesundheitliche Folgen und Schäden einer unprofessionellen Eigenanwendung zu vermeiden.

Hinweis zu den Patienteninterviews
To protect the patients' privacy their voices (in the interview recordings) had to be scrambled and distorted, so some passages and expressions might be less understandable. The authors summarize all important information however, so relevant aspects are not missing.

Due to brief internet outages resp. power failures in the lecturers' office, there are a few short interruptions in the lecture which are taken up afterwards and supplemented by repetition. We edited and cut these parts so that the interruptions are hardly recognizable.

This seminar is also available with German translation. Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich:


Additional recommendation:

Information on the authors' new book about Birds in MAP System is available here: "The System of MAP and Birds in Homeopathy"

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14,90 € *
P für 15 Punkte
Die Folgen von vererbter Tuberculose und Impfungen - Vier Fälle
Die Folgen von vererbter Tuberculose und Impfungen - Vier Fälle
21,00 € *
Das Synthetische Hormonsyndrom. Die Folgen von Hormoneinnahmen und ihre homöopathische Behandlung.
Das Synthetische Hormonsyndrom. Die Folgen von Hormoneinnahmen und ihre homöopathische Behandlung.
69,00 € *
P für 64 Punkte
Borreliose. Entstehung und homöopathische Behandlung
Borreliose. Entstehung und homöopathische Behandlung
69,00 € * 76,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 69 Punkte
70. Berliner Homöopathietage (Paket)
70. Berliner Homöopathietage (Paket)
99,00 € *
P für 94 Punkte
Einführung in das Symptomenlexikon. Lösungsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel akuten Heuschnupfens
Einführung in das Symptomenlexikon. Lösungsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel akuten Heuschnupfens
ab 12,90 € * 21,90 € (Regulärer Preis)
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