Dr. Bhawisha Joshi - Dr. Shachindra Joshi

Insects, spiders and other animals - In the levels of the Periodic System. Joshis` MAP - a homeopathic guide to the levels of the periodic system

"We are all pure energy patterns"

Over the years Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi, medical doctors in India, have developed a homeopathic "map" of the natural kingdoms, based on their huge wealth of experience from clinical research - the "Joshis' MAP". Based on the rows (levels) and columns of the Periodic table, this map allows a straightforward navigation through today's vast number of potential remedies.

A six-digit numerical code corresponds to the relevant patterns / levels in the patients' case analysis and allows - often already in case taking - a quick, accurate and therefore effective localization of the appropriate remedy and a clear differentiation from other similar remedies. The final choice of the homeopathic substance to be given takes place by its characteristic properties. The accuracy of the method and the resulting time savings are amazing.

How do you apply this methodology in practice? What aspects should be considered during case taking? Which questions are expedient? How can the determination of the relevant patterns and the final differentiation of similar remedies become successful?

Main subjects

  • Introduction to the concept of the sensation method
  • Overview of the system of levels and columns
  • Knowledge about and differentiation of remedy vs. patient pattern
  • Characteristics and detailed presentation of the three basic levels
  • Aspects and strategies of case taking and case analysis
  • Expression of the patient, in particular way of speaking
  • Meanings of particular keywords
  • In-depth presentation of the levels by cases
  • Effective use of the "MAP" of natural kingdoms
  • The 6-digit numerical code of the periodic table
  • Main themes and characteristics of selected representatives of the animal kingdom
  • Differentiation of various species and genera (vertebrates and invertebrates)
  • Detailed description and classification of insects, spiders and seabirds

Additional visual material with presentation (PDF)!

Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich: DH-219D


Audio sample 2: Aspects of case taking(

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"We are all pure energy patterns"  Over the years Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi ,... mehr

"We are all pure energy patterns"

 Over the years Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi, medical doctors in India, have developed a homeopathic "map" of the natural kingdoms, based on their huge wealth of experience from clinical research - the "Joshis' MAP". Based on the rows (levels) and columns of the Periodic table, this map allows a straightforward navigation through today's vast number of potential remedies.

A six-digit numerical code corresponds to the relevant patterns / levels in the patients' case analysis and allows - often already in case taking - a quick, accurate and therefore effective localization of the appropriate remedy and a clear differentiation from other similar remedies. The final choice of the homeopathic substance to be given takes place by its characteristic properties. The accuracy of the method and the resulting time savings are amazing.

How do you apply this methodology in practice? What aspects should be considered during case taking? Which questions are expedient? How can the determination of the relevant patterns and the final differentiation of similar remedies become successful?

In case of significant changes of the patients' state, alteration of remedies may also become necessary during the course of treatment. Sometimes the natural kingdom (minerals, plants, animals) changes, but surprisingly the relevant levels (motivation, potential, wishes, aspirations etc.) remain most often constant. Joshis experience suggests an underlying matrix which relates to all realms by the seven periods of the PSE. This matrix does not only depict the individual structure of a person, but is apparently a fundamental pattern of evolution, possibly of the whole universe.

A person's pattern should therefore correspond to a remedy's allocation by all predominant levels! Above all case analysis means a comparison of the patients´ levels to those of potential remedies. The determination of the levels is ofprimary importance, followed by the corresponding kingdom. The main precondition for a clear determination of the given pattern and its mapping in the numerical code is a comprehensive understanding of the patient and his history, of his individual problem/theme, of his personality and character structure.

The most direct approach of understanding focuses on the three main levels (1st ground level, 2nd prevailing level and 3rd level of capabilities). On these levels the patient´s personal history is expressed most directly and concretely, above all through his typical ways of expressing (gestures, facial expressions, verbal peculiarity etc.). The "predominant level" (2) is most important for the remedy choice, as the main themes are most evident here. Assignments to the levels (by the numerical code) are often already distinguished during case taking. From this point the similar remedy can be found in Joshis' MAPS.

The methodological focus of the seminar is practising and mastering this particular approach. For this achievement the Joshis procure an efficient handling of the required tools, above all the adequate allocation of the levels and the conversion into the coordinates of their "maps". Based on six detailed case reports (including a live case taking), they demonstrate in an easy-to-understand manner how to arrive at a secure result without unnecessary detours, by asking intelligent questions and by deeper inquiries.

The Materia medica focus of this fifth Berlin seminar is on the most important remedies of the Arthropoda class, i. e. insects (ants, butterflies, moths, dragonflies and beetles) and spiders (tarantula, cross spider, etc.). Additionally representatives of mammals (cats and marine mammals) and birds (albatross, flamingo, loons, etc.) are discussed and illustrated both by detailed case studies and by smaller case examples.

Once again the Joshis prove to be unsurpassed experts of the animal kingdom who know masterfully how to present it by the developmental matrix of the periodic system!

Featured animals

  • Insects:
    Ants (Formicidae), butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera), dragonflies (Odonata), beetles (Coleoptera)
  • Spiders:
    Tarantulas (Mygalomorphae) and web spiders (Araneaomorphae)
  • Mammals:
    Domestic, wild and large cats (Felidae), marine mammals (e. g. whales and dolphins)
  • Birds (especially seabirds):
    Albatrosses (Diomedeidae), Seagulls (Charadriiformes), Geese and Ducks (Anseriformes), Frigatebirds, Cormorants (Suliformes), Flamingos (Phoenicopteriformes), Loons (Gaviiformes), Grebe (Gavia always), Pigeons (Columbiformes)

Remedies discussed
Aranea diadema, Bison (Buffalo), Cheetah, Danaus plexippus (Monarch Butterfly), Gavia always (Eivander), Lac asinum (Donkey Milk), Lac rhesus (Rhesus Monk's Milk), Melopsittacus undulatus (Parakeet), Paraponera clavata (Giant Ant)


  1. Woman (29) - Acne, anxiety and anger → Cheetah (cheetah)
  2. Young man (20) - Chronic sinusitis, speech defect → Lac asinum (donkey)
  3. Man (57) - Plantar fasciitis and history of colitis → Paraponera clavata (giant ant)
  4. Woman (about 55) - Vertigo → Danaus plexippus (Monarch butterfly)
  5. Young woman - arthritis (live case) → Gavia always (Ice Diver)
  6. Man (50) - Urticaria, Depression → Aranea diadema (Garden Spider)

Additional visual material with presentations (PDF)!

Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich!
This seminar is also available with German translation: DH-219D

DH-219-1-1 (84:10) 1. Welcome / Introduction / Practice, concept and literature / The development... mehr
DH-219-1-1 (84:10)
1. Welcome / Introduction / Practice, concept and literature / The development of "Joshis's Maps" (00:00)
2. A universe of energy patterns / energy patterns and homeopathy (09:58)
3. Remedies can change / Experience over dogma / Same level - different kingdom (15:16)
4. Three examples of remedies / Patterns of evolution and of the universe (20:53)
5. Development on the same matrix / Level over natural kingdom / Case study: Lac rhesus (28:27)
6. Case level 5: Process after ruthenium, again lac rhesus / Qualitative differentiation (36:08)
7. Determination of the energy pattern / What makes the man? / Understand the people (46:20)
8. The complexity of the patient / Introduction and explanation of the basic levels (52:29)
9. Description of the seven levels / Examples for levels 1 to 4 (59:16)
10. Level 5: master of expression / Case examples for differentiating level 3 from level 5 (1:06:36)
11. Level 6: control / DD: level 6, Lanthanides / Level 7: dissolution of borders (1:14:03)

DH-219-1-2 (92:14)
1. The predominant level (2) / Potential level (3) (00:00)
2. Potential level on the example of horse and a budgie case (code 3-5-3) (06:54)
3. Budgerigar case: topic, analysis / Process after budgerigar (16:12)
4. Bison (code 3-4-6) / Case study: asthma / history (25:11)
5. Asthma Case: where does the power and strength come from? / Bison: characterization (33:22)
6. Base levels 2 and 3: vertebrates and invertebrates (41:48)
7. Differences between levels 2 and 3 / Background sound of the case (47:02)
8. Case 1: acne, anxiety and anger / symptoms and development of discomfort (53:56)
9. Aspects and strategies of case taking / difference between potential and column (59:21)
10. Explanation of levels, columns, coding / meaning of the first three numbers (1:05:43)
11. C1: Disease history / Strong compassion for animals / Conflict with others (1:15:28)
12. C1: Previous Experience / Insane fury / Which level is shown here? (1:24:02)

DH-219-1-3 (77:18)
1. C1: Triggers and experiencing anger / Strong attachment to the mother / Idea: predator (00:00)
2. C1: Subjects and behavior of a mammal / Bird or not? / Words of the underworld (05:35)
3. C1: Jealousy and desires for murder / Reactions in everyday life / Level 5 people (12:24)
4. C1: Clarification of ambitions / Code 3-5-5-6 / Explanations (20:22)
5. C1: Ambition / Social Environment, future perspectives, creativity (29:04)
6. C1: Analysis of the information obtained / Confinement to cats / Remedy idea: cheetah (35:07)
7. C1: The four animal questions / course to Gepard (41:21)
8. The cats (Felidae) according to the numbering system / Overview: domestic, wild and large cats (51:56)
9. Meaning and determination of the columns by examples of various big cats (58:55)
10. Characteristics of lynx and lynx species / Short case studies (1:08:58)

DH-219-1-4 (62:19)
1. Lynx and Lynx species: lynx, caracal and serval / DD cats and birds (00:00)
2. Introduction to case 2 / C2: Chronic sinusitis, speech / Symptoms, family (06:37)
3. C2: Weak self-confidence / Determination of the ground plane (15:00)
4. C2: Topics: group and loneliness / Feeling of loneliness / Aimlessness, ambition (22:48)
5. C2: Prevailing level? / Between routine and work / Stamina (33:56)
6. C2: Assignment (code 3-5-4, column 8) / Donkey: properties / Intelligence and stamina (42:38)
7. C2: Process after Lac asinum: Significant improvement on all levels (51:48)

DH-219-2-1 (73:56)
1. Behavior, self-image and the image of others / Case 3: plantar fasciitis (00:00)
2. C3: pain characteristics / Pre-existing colitis / Goal in life (07:44)
3. C3: Description of state / Stoical carrying on / When did the problem begin? (14:57)
4. C3: Responsibility / Always in action, always busy / The open question (25:55)
5. C3: An unclear labyrinth / Work and sense of duty (33:54)
6. C3: The quality of the case / Prevailing level 4, ground level 2 (40:51)
7. C3: Ground level and prevailing level justifications (50:51)
8. C3: Why does he need a pet product? / Multidimensional case / Question for level 2 (59:48)
9. C3: Summary / Warning of interpretation (1:08:04)

DH-219-2-2 (89:02)
1. C3: Not intended, but well done / Like a passenger / Ready for change (00:00)
2. C3: Why change is important / Between levels 4 and 5 / What does risk mean? (07:44)
3. C3: Preliminary coding 2-4-5 / Handling the Joshi Map (14:31)
4. Guided tour of the map / Insects: levels 2-4 (20:02)
5. Subclasses: Apterygota, Pterygota, Endopterygota, Hymenoptera and others (26:40)
6. The quality of 2-4-5: Change must be / Handling the giant insect class (37:04)
7. Advantages of map and numeric code / Increasing prescription of insects / Food of the future (46:25)
8. C3: The case in the light of invertebrates / Segmentation - an arthropod word (55:21)
9. C3: Dancing ameliorates / Insect dance / Why not bee? / Characteristics of the wasps (1:03:38)
10. A case of beetles: under complete control / Capability of wasps (1:14:11)
11. A wasp case: Intense rage / DD ants and bees / F3: Paraponera clavata (1:20:56)

DH-219-2-3 (69:31)
1. F3: Recapitulation of the case / Explanations of level 2 (00:00)
2. Ants: Tropical Giant Ant (Paraponera clavata) / Properties of the Paraponera (08:26)
3. Leafcutter ants: busy mushroom breeders / DD bees / Acromyrmex octospinosus (14:39)
4. Black and Red Garden Ant / Black Giant Ant / DD columns 8 and 10 (21:10)
5. Honeypot ant / Ant colonies and colonies / Question about the appropriate prescription (28:36)
6. Dinoponera gigantea / Distribution of ants in the columns (35:49)
7. Bees and ants in comparison: characteristics, forms of communication and expressions (42:00)
8. Bees and ants: ambitions, orientation, strategies, life expectancy (48:44)
9. Butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) / Explanation for coding 2-4-5-5-2 (54:19)
10. Bird or butterfly? / Questions about the numbering / Appeal to cooperate (1:01:32)

DH-219-2-4 (82:51)
1. Butterflies: change and dependence / Two case studies (00:00)
2. Feeling of an infant / Between safety and challenge / Like in a cocoon (05:37)
3. DD moth, butterfly: external shape and themes (12:33)
4. Case 4: Heavy dizziness / desire for independence / need to help others (18:11)
5. C4: History of Tattoos / Why a butterfly? / Addendum to the case studies (26:30)
6. Characteristic features of the monarch butterfly / Lepidoptera: light-footedness (33:24)
7. Dragonflies (Odonata): Beautiful, strict hunter / Case of a math teacher (42:39)
8. Qualities of the dragonflies: water-affine, adaptable, sensitive etc. (51:52)
9. Beetle (Coleoptera): loves shiny things / DD Lepidoptera / Case study (57:25)
10. Beetle: enslavement, capture by others / Remembering a beetle case (1:06:28)
11. Scarabaeus sacer, Cantharis / Sexual aspects of insects, especially beetles (1:12:36)

DH-219-3-1 (89:42)
1. Case 5 (Live case taking): arthritis / Discomfort, pain quality, onset of illness (00:00)
2. C5: Fighting and demanding, feeling helpless, anger for lack of respect (08:34)
3. C5: How is the anger shown? / Everything has to be perfect / Who wants to be her? (15:48)
4. C5: Early lack of acceptance / Constrained, as locked up (23:23)
5. C5: Feeling ignored / How does €constrained€ feel? / Shortness of breath (30:33)
6. C5: Like a fish on land / Feeling of openness / Traveling without a plan (38:29)
7. C5: What's exciting about the work? / The creative side / Combat readiness (44:54)
8. C5: Strategies for self-assertion / Time after birth / Home is safety (50:24)
9. C5: What does security mean? / What does running away mean? / Creating options (56:51)
10. C5: Acceptance or significance? / Peace and happiness / Showing weakness? (1:02:12)
11. C5: Childhood and family of origin / Ignorance and hopeless silence (1:07:11)
12. C5: Ask for: favorite colors, sleep, dreams, travel, hobbies, nature (1:14:55)
13. C5: Preference for birds / Sociability / Thanks and final instructions (1:21:52)

DH-219-3-2 (62:58)
1. C5 Analysis: Suggestions for determining the levels (00:00)
2. C5: 3-3-5 or 3-5-3? / Keywords, phrases and aspects of the case (09:35)
3. C5: Ability Issues / Limited prevailing level (14:38)
4. C5: animal or not animal? / Autoimmune diseases / DD mammals and birds (22:26)
5. Questions and criteria for distinguishing mammal and bird (30:58)
6. Differentiation of marine mammals / Themes of dolphins and whales (38:12)
7. Pigeons and Waterfowl / C5: columns 8 + 16 (45:42)
8. C5: Treatment strategy / Prescription: common loon (Gavia immer) (53:39)

DH-219-3-3 (93:05)
1. Announcements and notes about future events (00:00)
2. Review of the seminar and thanks (06:25)
3. Seabirds: albatross, gulls, geese, ducks, frigate birds and cormorants (15:14)
4. Seabirds: flamingos, loons / Pigeons (23:06)
5. Case 6: urticaria / Observations, self-description (32:12)
6. C6: occupation / Spinning: properties / DD snakes (42:16)
7. C6: alertness, will to survive / Aranea diadema (2-4-4-6) (52:24)
8. Spiders: properties of levels 2-4-6 / Question about streak 2 - level 6 (1:00:27)
9. Mygalomorphae (tarantulas) / Araneomorphae (webspiders) (1:08:29)
10. DD Araneomorphae and Mygalomorphae / Case study (1:16:17)
11. Differentiation: Latrodectus mactans and Tarantula / James Bond (1:26:23)
Joshi, Bhawisha; Joshi, Shachindra mehr

Dr. Shachindra Joshi (left) / Dr. Bhawisha Joshi (right)

Dr. Bhawisha Joshi (MD Hom) und Dr. Shachindra Joshi (MD Hom) sind innerhalb der Sensation-Homöopathie die weltweit führenden Erforscher und Kenner der tierischen Heilmittel. Ausgehend von einer klaren zoologischen Systematik, verifiziert durch eigene Arzneimittelprüfungen und hunderte geheilte Fälle haben die Joshis ein nachvollziehbares System geschaffen, das ein tiefes Verständnis bekannter wie auch neuer tierischer Arzneimittelfamilien ermöglicht. In Deutschland sind sie bekannt durch ihre Bücher zum Periodensystem, den Imponderabilien und Nosoden, die eine vertiefte Sicht auf diese Mittelgruppen eröffnen.

Ihr großes Verdienst besteht in der Erforschung der Verbindung zwischen tierischen Heilmitteln und ihren Entsprechungen zu den Themen der Reihen und Spalten des Periodensystems. Als Lehrer vermitteln die Joshis ihre profunden Kenntnisse auf spielerische und humorvolle Weise. Ihr lebendiger Unterrichtsstil inspiriert die TeilnehmerInnen ihrer Seminare auf leichtfüßige Weise die Übereinstimmung des Musters zwischen Mensch und Mittel in den vorgestellten Fällen zu erkennen und setzt damit nachhaltige Impulse für die eigene Praxistätigkeit.

Weitere Informationen zu Dr. Bhawisha und Dr. Shachindra Joshi finden Sie hier:

Webseite von Drs. Bhawisha & Shachindra Joshi

11 Audio-Dateien als MP3-Download sowie umfangreiches Seminarmaterial im PDF-Format.

Bild auf der Covervorderseite:
Bonfeld - junges Blatt des Gemeinen Frauenmantels mit Tautropfen © Roman Eisele (via Wikimedia Commons, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0) Wir danken dem/der FotografIn herzlich für die Erlaubnis zur Nutzung dieses Bildes!
We thank the photographer very much for the permission to use this picture!


Verlag Homöopathie + Symbol, Martin Bomhardt, Liebigstr. 36, 10247 Berlin, E-Mail: info@homsym.de

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Dieser Titel (Inhalt des Produkts) enthält fachkundliche Informationen für/über Heilberufe und heilkundliche Anwendungen, jedoch keine Werbung für bestimmte Heilmittel/-behandlungen. Er gibt ausschließlich die persönliche Meinung und subjektive Erfahrung des/der jeweiligen Autor*in*nen wieder. Keinesfalls können bestimmte Inhalte, insbesondere im Medium wiedergegebene Hinweise zu medizinischen Anwendungen (z. B. zur Einnahme bestimmer Arzneien) als konkreter Ratgeber oder gar Anleitung zur (Selbst-)Behandlung verstanden werden, insbesondere nicht von medizinischen Laien. Im Falle eines Behandlungsbedarfs halten Sie bitte Rücksprache mit professionellen Therapeut*innen, inbesondere Ihrem Hausarzt/Ärztin, um mögliche gesundheitliche Folgen und Schäden einer unprofessionellen Eigenanwendung zu vermeiden.

Dynamis Homöopathie Seminare, Wyka Feige

Van-Delden-Haus, Berlin, 14.-16. Juni 2019

Aus Gründen des Patientenschutzes wurden die Stimmen von Patienten in den Kasuistik-Videos digital verzerrt und somit unkenntlich gemacht. Die wesentlichen Informationen zu den Fällen werden von den Referent*innen jedoch zumeist wiederholt, so dass es hier lediglich um einen Höreindruck geht.

For reasons of patient protection their original voices (from the case videos) have been digitally distorted to make them unrecognizable. However, the lecturers mostly repeat the essential information about the case, so that the voice would only serve as an acustic impression.

This seminar is also available with German translation. Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich:


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59,00 € * 69,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 69 Punkte
Greifvögel, Falkenartige und Gänsevögel. Homöopathie mit Joshis MAP System
Greifvögel, Falkenartige und Gänsevögel. Homöopathie mit Joshis MAP System
59,00 € * 69,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 69 Punkte
MAP Level 4. Reptiles, Rodents & Birds
MAP Level 4. Reptiles, Rodents & Birds
59,00 € * 69,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 69 Punkte
Reptilien und Raubvögel. Macht, Stärke und Vernichtung (Deutsche Version)
Reptilien und Raubvögel. Macht, Stärke und Vernichtung (Deutsche Version)
69,00 € * 76,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 69 Punkte
Edelgase, Imponderabilien & Säugetiere. Homöopathie im Periodensystem
Edelgase, Imponderabilien & Säugetiere. Homöopathie im Periodensystem
109,00 € * 119,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 99 Punkte
The false-self and the false-image. Seminoble metals and other remedies
The false-self and the false-image. Seminoble metals and other remedies
104,00 € * 114,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 97 Punkte
Lifestyle diseases. The homeopathic treatment
Lifestyle diseases. The homeopathic treatment
ab 44,00 € * 89,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 76 Punkte
Old and forgotten remedies in modern homeopathy and medical anthropology (engl.) / Medicinal plants and homeopathy: a scientific and literary study (engl.)
Old and forgotten remedies in modern homeopathy and medical anthropology (engl.) / Medicinal plants and homeopathy: a scientific and literary study (engl.)
5,90 € * 12,80 € (Regulärer Preis)
Nosodes - The kingdom of pathogenic agents
Nosodes - The kingdom of pathogenic agents
ab 39,00 € * 79,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 67 Punkte
Hormonregulation. Die homöopathische Behandlung hormoneller Störungen. Nosoden, Sarkoden u. a. Arzneigruppen
Hormonregulation. Die homöopathische Behandlung hormoneller Störungen. Nosoden, Sarkoden u. a. Arzneigruppen
124,00 € *
P für 109 Punkte
Schwindel. Wenn der Boden schwankt (Fachseminar). Die homöopathische Analyse und Behandlung anhand von Fällen
Schwindel. Wenn der Boden schwankt (Fachseminar). Die homöopathische Analyse und Behandlung anhand von Fällen
29,00 € *
P für 24 Punkte
Der Weg der Kinderseele III. Freude schöne Götterfunken... Die homöopathische Begleitung von Kindern
Der Weg der Kinderseele III. Freude schöne Götterfunken... Die homöopathische Begleitung von Kindern
89,00 € * 99,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 99 Punkte
Autoimmunerkrankungen. Miasmatische Hintergründe und homöopathische Behandlung
Autoimmunerkrankungen. Miasmatische Hintergründe und homöopathische Behandlung
79,00 € *
P für 79 Punkte
Schmetterlinge. Limenitis bredowii, Inachis io, Graphium agamemnon u. a.
Schmetterlinge. Limenitis bredowii, Inachis io, Graphium agamemnon u. a.
11,90 € *
P für 12 Punkte
The Death Mother - Medea and the Halogens
The Death Mother - Medea and the Halogens
ab 38,00 € * 76,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 64 Punkte
MAP Ebene 4. Reptilien, Nagetiere & Vögel
MAP Ebene 4. Reptilien, Nagetiere & Vögel
59,00 € * 69,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 69 Punkte
Meeresarzneien. Natrium muriaticum, Calcium carbonicum, Sepia, Spongia, Corallium rubrum, Ambra, Aqua marina, Oleum jecoris, Asterias rubens u. a.
Meeresarzneien. Natrium muriaticum, Calcium carbonicum, Sepia, Spongia, Corallium rubrum, Ambra, Aqua marina, Oleum jecoris, Asterias rubens u. a.
59,00 € * 64,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 64 Punkte
Das schwierige Kind. Entwicklungsbezogene Störungen in der homöopathischen Pädiatrie
Das schwierige Kind. Entwicklungsbezogene Störungen in der homöopathischen Pädiatrie
69,00 € * 76,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 76 Punkte
Magnoliiden. Vom Leben abgeschnitten - Rückzug in die innere Welt. Aristolochia clematitis, Nux moschata & Camphora
Magnoliiden. Vom Leben abgeschnitten - Rückzug in die innere Welt. Aristolochia clematitis, Nux moschata & Camphora
24,00 € * 29,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 29 Punkte
Schlüsselsymptome. Mittelwahl anhand sonderlicher Symptome, Leitsymptome und Rubriken
Schlüsselsymptome. Mittelwahl anhand sonderlicher Symptome, Leitsymptome und Rubriken
44,00 € *
P für 35 Punkte
Pubertät II. Die schwierige Suche nach der eigenen Identität
Pubertät II. Die schwierige Suche nach der eigenen Identität
89,00 € * 99,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 94 Punkte
Alcoholus. Heiliger Geist und Dämonen-Nebel
Alcoholus. Heiliger Geist und Dämonen-Nebel
59,00 € *
P für 52 Punkte
Krisen und schwierige Akutsituationen. Homöopathisches Fallmanagement und Behandlung
Krisen und schwierige Akutsituationen. Homöopathisches Fallmanagement und Behandlung
69,00 € * 76,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 69 Punkte
Das Pflanzensystem nach Scholten. Serien, Phasen und Stadien. Übungsfälle II
Das Pflanzensystem nach Scholten. Serien, Phasen und Stadien. Übungsfälle II
39,00 € * 44,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
Fungi - The hidden kingdom - Expansion, penetration, and transformation
Fungi - The hidden kingdom - Expansion, penetration, and transformation
69,00 € * 79,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 79 Punkte
Edelsteine / Gemstones In Homeopathy
Edelsteine / Gemstones In Homeopathy
ab 49,00 € * 104,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 78 Punkte
Insekten III. Marienkäfer (Coccinella septempunctata), Gottesanbeterin (Mantis religiosa), Kakerlake (Blatta orientalis) und Hummel (Bombus)
Insekten III. Marienkäfer (Coccinella septempunctata), Gottesanbeterin (Mantis religiosa), Kakerlake (Blatta orientalis) und Hummel (Bombus)
ab 19,70 € * 33,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 29 Punkte
Insekten. Vespa, Apis, Formica rufa & Schmetterlinge
Insekten. Vespa, Apis, Formica rufa & Schmetterlinge
ab 17,90 € * 33,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 29 Punkte
Die neue Lust. Bufo, Lac suis u. a. (Der große Wechsel II)
Die neue Lust. Bufo, Lac suis u. a. (Der große Wechsel II)
29,00 € *
P für 29 Punkte
Acute & Chronic Disease. The Mirror of (Dis)Illusion
Acute & Chronic Disease. The Mirror of (Dis)Illusion
ab 16,50 € * 33,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 29 Punkte
Homöopathie in Gynäkologie & Andrologie. Menstruation, Pubertät, Phimose, Prostata, Sterilität u. v. a.
Homöopathie in Gynäkologie & Andrologie. Menstruation, Pubertät, Phimose, Prostata, Sterilität u. v. a.
89,00 € *
P für 74 Punkte
Hexen Hurra VI - Die Milche. Lac leontis, Lac asinum & Lac suinum
Hexen Hurra VI - Die Milche. Lac leontis, Lac asinum & Lac suinum
76,00 € *
P für 67 Punkte
Plumbum & Saturn - Das Unausweichliche im Leben
Plumbum & Saturn - Das Unausweichliche im Leben
11,90 € * 14,90 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 13 Punkte
Practical Dream Analysis - Using C.G. Jung's archetypes in homeopathy
Practical Dream Analysis - Using C.G. Jung's archetypes in homeopathy
39,00 € * 44,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
P für 44 Punkte
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