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Dr. Bhawisha Joshi - Dr. Shachindra Joshi
Land & Sea Mammals, Water & Migratory Birds. Level 5 - Searching for new horizons
Every human being has a unique pattern of individual strengths and weaknesses. Impairments (e. g. suppression) of this pattern lead to disorders with specific symptoms. Such a disorder could only be cured by specific natural substances that provoke a most similar pattern. This basic homeopathic principle is the fundament of the case taking and analysis concept of Dres. Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi.
For a clear and effective orientation among potential remedies, they are grouped and differentiated by kingdoms (minerals, plants, animals and others). Finding the optimally suitable remedy takes place on the basis of certain structural similarities within the groups. These structures can be mapped by the levels and columns of the periodic table. Each single drug can then be localized, using a fourdimensional matrix (four digit code). However, the determination of the right level, column, order/family and species is not done by isolated aspects, but always requires a detailed analysis of all characteristics of the patient. Which aspects of the patients expressions are particularly relevant and important? How to securely assign this characteristic information to the matrix of remedies?
In their now fourth Berlin seminar, the Joshis present the current state of their research and experience and prove the practicability of their approach by case examples from various orders of mammals and birds, primarily from level 5. (Other orders had already been presented in previous Joshi Seminars).
- Basics and structure of the concept
- Explanations of kingdoms, levels and columns
- The map of the kingdoms
- Distinction between invertebrates and vertebrates
- Numerical code of the periodic table and its advantages
- Topics and characteristics of various land and aquatic animal groups / mammals and birds (presented orders, families, genera and species see below)
- Special aspects of case taking and analysis
- Practical examples, 10 detailed cases and one live consultation
Additional visual material with presentation (PDF)!
This seminar is also available with German translation
Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich: DH-218D
Audio sample 2 on kingdoms, levels and characteristics(
![]() | Dieses Seminar als Download derzeit nur 89,- € (statt 99,- €, |
- Artikel-Nr.: DH-218E
- Abspieldauer (ca.): 15 Std. 22 Min.
- Edition: DH (Dynamis Homöopathie Berlin)
- Schlüsselworte: Aegithalos caudatus Albatross Alcedo atthis Anseriformes Antarktischer Seebär Arctocephalus gazella Charadriiformes Coraciiformes Cygnus olor Dachs Eisvogel Enhydra lutris Equidae Fischotter Gänsevögel Giraffa camelopardalis Giraffe Höckerschwan Kamel Kamel Larus argentatus Lontra canadensis Lutra lutra Marderartige Meeressäuger Melinae Merops apiaster Odobenus rosmarus Pagodroma nivea Periodensystem Pferd Phoca vitulina Podicipediformes Pteronura brasiliensis Rackenvögel Raubtier Regenpfeiferartige Riesenotter Robbe Säugetiere Schneesturmvogel Scholten Schwanzmeise Seal Seehund Seeotter Seevögel Silbermöwe Tierreich Vögel Walross Wasservögel
Every human being has a unique pattern of individual strengths and weaknesses. Impairments (e. g. suppression) of this pattern lead to disorders with specific symptoms. Such a disorder could only be cured by specific natural substances that provoke a most similar pattern. This basic homeopathic principle is the fundament of the case taking and analysis concept of Dres. Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi.
For a clear and effective orientation among potential remedies, they are grouped and differentiated by kingdoms (minerals, plants, animals and others). Finding the optimally suitable remedy takes place on the basis of certain structural similarities within the groups. These structures can be mapped by the levels and columns of the periodic table. Each single drug can then be localized, using a fourdimensional matrix (four digit code). However, the determination of the right level, column, order/family and species is not done by isolated aspects, but always requires a detailed analysis of all characteristics of the patient. Which aspects of the patients expressions are particularly relevant and important? How to securely assign this characteristic information to the matrix of remedies?
In their now fourth Berlin seminar, the Joshis present the current state of their research and experience and prove the practicability of their approach by case examples from various orders of mammals and birds, primarily from level 5. (Other orders had already been presented in previous Joshi Seminars).
Animals comprehend almost all aspects of plants and minerals and can therefore be easily confused with them. Both the mineral concern for sufficiency and the reactivity typical for plants can be found in animals (resp. animal remedy patients). More specific to animals is the relationship between the "I" and the "others". Patients with animal remedies are generally more complex in their internal structure. While plants and minerals mostly cover partial aspects, animal patterns should include all facets of the patients's core pattern. Since the emphasis of the disorder can vary through the periods of life, various remedies from all kingdoms could be needed during life, but their positioning in the periodic table is remarkably often a similar (related) one.
Joshi & Joshi draw attention to the fact that animal patterns are frequently associated with emotions and experiences that we've learned to avoid or suppress. This makes the understanding of the true pattern sometimes more difficult at first: Patients could give the impression of needing a mineral or plant. The key to the remedy, according to Joshis, is usually the patient's verbal expression. In order to provoke it, the consultation requires detailed, in-depth inquiries. The patient's peculiar "background music", which will then be recognizable, corresponds to his core pattern. With this seminar, especially their case studies, the lecturers wish to sensitize us to the perception of that background music.
10 detailed case reports are presented for this purpose. They also serve to display a variety of selected animal groups. Focus of this seminar are the major differences between mammals and birds, especially between terrestrial and aquatic species. Exciting and highly enlightening is the subtle differentiation of the individual species within their larger groups. The pointedly outlined discrimination criteria and key features are a result of Joshi's intense nature observations as well as a long, rich practical experience. The clear identification of relevant features also allows the use of yet unknown animal remedies, which have been barely proven yet.
In this seminar the concept of the Joshis, in particular their special way of case taking, proves once again its internal coherence and practicability: Even from different starting points the same - and surprisingly good - results could be reached. A deeper understanding of the patterns, by which both patients and remedies can be understood and distinguished, will not only lead to a greater clarity and efficiency in treatment, but also help us make a big step into the future, away from isolated single remedies towards their larger family relations. This is a necessary step to apply the huge and growing number of remedies that nature offers to us in its diversity.
Featured orders and families
Single mammal species
Arctocephalus gazella (Antarctic Fur Seal), Giraffa camelopardalis (Giraffe), Camel (Camel), Enhydra lutris (Sea Otter), Lontra canadensis (North American Otter), Lutra lutra (Common Otter), Odobenus rosmarus (Walrus), Phoca vitulina (Common Seal), Pteronura brasiliensis (Giant Otter), Large Seal
Single bird species
Aegithalos caudatus (Long-tailed Tit), Alcedo atthis (Kingfisher), Cygnus olor (Mute Swan), Larus argentatus (Herring Gull), Merops apiaster (Bee-eater), Pagodroma nivea (Snow Petrel)
Case studies
1. Man with multiple pain and chron. sinusitis → Giraffa camelopardalis (giraffe)
2. Girl (21) with asthma and vitiligo → Giraffa camelopardalis
3. Man with hypertension → Camel (camel)
4. Child with eczema → Camel
5. Boy (2.5 year old) diagnosed with autism → Lutra lutra (Otter)
6. Woman with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) → seal (Phoca vitulina)
7. Woman (31), complaints from stress → Alcedo atthis (kingfisher)
8. Woman with severe asthma and POCS → Pagodroma nivea (Snow Storm)
9. Woman with various dermatophytoses → Larus argentatus (Herring Gull)
10. Man (36) with keratosis on the eye, anxiety neurosis and chron. gastritis → Cygnus olor (Mute Swan)
Live Case
Man with eye inflammation, otitis, tonsillitis → prescription Aegithalos caudatus (Tail Tit)
Additional visual material with presentation (PDF)!
(This material is also included in the download version.)Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich!
This seminar is also available with German translation: DH-218D
1. Greeting and introduction / Cooperation with Jan Scholten / Priority of levels / Notes on casetaking (00:00)
2. Similarities and differences to Scholten / The completeness of the empires (09:43)
3. Good prescribers / Characteristics in numbers / A logical system (16:24)
4. Explanations on the map of empires / Problems of differentiation (24:26)
5. Questions during casetaking / Heartful approach / Basic levels 2 and 3 / The "background sound" (33:17)
6. Analysis and casetaking / DD Invertebrates and vertebrates (41:01)
7. Level 3 for fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals / Group vs. individuality / Conflict between giving and taking (47:56)
8. The numbering system (example horses) / Prevailing level, family affiliation (53:30)
9. Reference to the periodic table / Column 8: Properties of horses (61:43)
Datei/Part 2 (77:21)
1. Case 1: Varied pain / History / Family background (00:00)
2. C1: Family as a main topic / Sorting out levels (07:26)
3. C1: Which mammal? / Differential localization of the remedy (15:42)
4. C1: Video excerpt from the follow-up (24:15)
5. C1: Case analysis / Prescription: Giraffa camelopardalis / Reasons (28:40)
6. Case 2: Asthma and Vitiligo / Using homeopathy since age 5 / Medications (38:50)
7. C2: History of her illnesses / Vitiligo: Social taboo / Therapeutic dependence (47:37)
8. C2: Preferences, hobbies, emotionality / Desire for independence (56:51)
9. C2: Problems after changing school / Way to independence (63:29)
10. C2: What is important? / Differentiation within level 5 (70:54)
Datei/Part 3 (69:27)
1. C2: Qualities and evolution of the giraffe group (00:00)
2. C2: Process after Giraffa cam. (Giraffe) / Amelioration of asthma symptoms (06:57)
3. C2: Improvement of vitiligo / LM potencies in vitiligo (12:43)
4. C2: Analysis and explanation of the regulation / Lanthanide qualities (18:18)
5. C2: Difference from Scholten's approach / Indications for an animal remedy (28:47)
6. C2: Advantages of numbering as a differentiation aid (35:24)
7. C2: Prey or predator? / Meaning of the columns (41:06)
8. Case 3: High blood pressure / Life and family (48:48)
9. C3: Eye-catching dance style / Energy saving mode / Prescription: Camel (54:52)
10. Case 4: Child with eczema / Description of the mother / Prescription: Camel (61:49)
Datei/Part 4 (76:21)
1. Questions / Explanations about level 5, column 8 / What decides on the level? (00:00)
2. Explanations and examples on numbering (07:59)
3. Position of strength and abilities? / Difference between column and level 3 / DD Mineral - animal (16:23)
4. Differences between Scholten´s and Joshi's table / Extended options / Example horse (23:20)
5. Case 5: Boy (2.5 years) with autism: History / Symptoms (29:53)
6. C5: Communication, behavior, nature / References to animal kingdom (38:21)
7. C5: Reaction to boredom, willpower / Basic level 3 / Why not level 4? (46:07)
8. C5: Characteristics and topics of the levels / Arguments against level 4 (52:06)
9. C5: Uncontrolled Emotions / Feels as if something would be taken away / Predator behavior (59:27)
10. C5: Mercurius / Aggression / Small or large predator? / Diversion maneuvers (66:56)
Datei/Part 5 (43:15)
1. C5: Column associated with the patient / How strong is he? / Martens, Otters and Badgers (00:00)
2. C5: DD Martens, cats, otters, seals / Similarities of the martens (06:28)
3. C5: Melinae (badgers): topics and habitat / Case study (16:16)
4. C5: Regulation and reaction to Lutra lutra (Otter) (24:46)
5. C5: Further prescriptions / Otter species (33:08)
Datei/Part 6 (75:41)
1. Information on the tiger seminars in India (00:00)
2. Case 6: Woman with polycystic ovaries (PCOD) / History, symptoms (08:17)
3. C6: Family Situation / Caring for the Mother / Issues: caring, needy, strength (16:26)
4. C6: Life story, parental home / Differentiation by strength / Escape route (23:59)
5. C6: Marriage / Question on security / Need for group and freedom (31:37)
6. C6: Probably mammal / Feels restricted / DD Butterfly (39:57)
7. C6: Feeding and breastfeeding / DD Birds / Localization of the needed mammal (49:07)
8. C6: What kind of mammal? / Notes on predators / DD Martens and pinniped (55:19)
9. C6: Sea and ocean associations / Which animal would you like to be? / Who dominates? (62:45)
10. C6: Overall positive after seal (Phoca vitulina) / A few years later (69:15)
Datei/Part 7 (74:34)
1. C6: Characteristics and behavior of the robben / Resume of the procedure (00:00)
2. C6: DD Walrus and marten (05:39)
3. Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) / Other DD Pinnipeds, marten (11:33)
4. Codes of walrus, South American Sea Lion and seal (20:32)
5. Case 7: Woman, consequences of stress / History / Personality mapping (24:51)
6. C7: Complaints / Followup after prescription (video) (35:34)
7. C7: Family background, living conditions / Onset of symptoms / Analysis (44:53)
8. C7: Restrictive and contradictory rules / Affinity to the group / A birds remedy? (50:51)
9. C7: Childhood, hobbies, preferences / What do you mean...? / Focus (57:35)
10. C7: References to levels 3 and 5 / Perfectionism / About home caretakers (66:05)
Datei/Part 8 (71:31)
1. C7: Travel experiences / Feeling of restraint / Like a bird in the cage (00:00)
2. C7: Coraciiformes (Rackenvögel) / The Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) (08:48)
3. C7: The Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) / Birds in common / DD Mammals (15:24)
4. C7: More about Coraciiformes / Prescription and followup (Alcedo atthis) (22:16)
5. How to find the family within the birds? / Case 8: Woman, severe asthma and PCOS (27:04)
6. C8: 2. Consultation, more complaints / History (32:20)
7. C8: Occupation, hobbies, marriage / Childhood, family / Feeling like in a trap (38:07)
8. C8: Description of the feeling (video) / Half in, half outside / What kind of bird? (48:55)
9. C8: Notes on bird / First two levels / Corresponding bird species (58:05)
10. Common features of the seabirds (Podicipediformes) / Some species and subspecies (64:30)
Datei/Part 9 (72:52)
1. Differences between the main groups / Albatrosses, seagulls, giant petrels (00:00)
2. C8: Albatross without effect / Change to snow storm bird / Reasons (06:13)
3. C8: Process after blizzard / Improvement on clinical and psychological level (12:49)
4. C8: DD Mammals, birds / Waiting for the right time / Changed situation (20:17)
5. Case 9: Woman with various dermatophytoses / Symptoms / Psychological triggers (26:29)
6. C9: Situation with husband / Fight in an unequal relationship / Husband´s family (33:22)
7. C9: Relationship with groups / What are the strengths? / Craving for new (41:11)
8. C9: Expression is important / Lack of assertiveness / Struggle and strife as strengths (47:35)
9. C9: Sources of dispute? / Strength or weakness? / Feeling as if being crushed (9:25)
10. C9: Charadriiformes / Tactical behavior, cleverness (55:08)
Datei/Part 10 (60:56)
1. C9: DD Petrels / Examples of Charadriiformes / Features and characters (00:00)
2. C9: Prescription: Larus argentatus (Herring Gull) / Good progress, also in relationship (06:20)
3. Sources of medicine / Difference: Mammals and birds (13:32)
4. Definition of areas / Materia medica of bird symptoms (18:50)
5. Case 10: Man with eye keratosis, anxiety neurosis and chronic gastritis / History (25:27)
6. C10: Private and professional preferences and needs / Guidance and leadership (32:23)
7. C10: Need for freedom / Prescription: Cygnus olor (Mute Swan) / Anseriformes (Goose birds) (39:13)
8. C10: Relationship with wife / Leading and following / Further features of Anseriformes (46:30)
9. Differences and similarities of the swan species (53:26)
Datei/Part 11 (72:57)
1. Live case: Eye inflammation, otitis, tonsillitis / Current complaints (00:00)
2. LC: Development of complaints / Clinical diagnosis and therapy (06:05)
3. LC: Unclear genesis / Condition in childhood / Tonsillectomy / Further symptoms (14:21)
4. LC: Family history / Situation before onset of symptoms / Meeting expectations (21:39)
5. LC: Avoiding conflict / Longing for balance / What when clarification fails? (30:27)
6. LC: What sense of self? / Meaning of relationships / Feeling alone (37:36)
7. LC: How does that feel? / Feeling compared to others (44:27)
8. LC: What is fun? / Life goals / Doing good (49:39)
9. LC: What expectations? / Short summary / Knows what he doesn´t want (56:01)
10. LC: Important to do things / Feeling about it / Sensation of openness (65:05)
Datei/Part 12 (76:33)
1. LC: Which physical experience? / What if balance is missing? (00:00)
2. LC: Society? / School experiences (06:22)
3. LC: What kind of person? / Family situation? / Unsatisfactory communication (14:58)
4. LC: Domestic situation? / Hobbies / Liking tigers (24:08)
5. LC: Needs a free horizon / Feeling of tightness / Completion of medical history (29:59)
6. LC: Case discussion / Thoughts about level affiliation and remedy group / Lanthanide? (36:11)
7. LC: Analysis and synthesis of individual aspects / Animal aspects / Core aspect of the case (45:55)
8. LC: Explanation of Joshis' approach / Conflict prevention, communication need (55:02)
9. LC: Need for society / Conflict by comparison / Themes of grasses and lilies (60:48)
10. LC: Goals in life / Level 3 or 4? / DD Water and songbirds / Question about balance (67:59)
Datei/Part 13 (76:45)
1. LC: Openness and tightness / No strong will / Case code 3-3-3-3 (00:00)
2. LC: Themes of songbirds (Passeriformes) / Prescription: Aegithalos caudatus (long-tailed tit) (05:28)
3. Gaviiformes (loons) / Aegithalidae (tits) / Way of prescribing in live case (12:53)
4. Characteristics of seabirds on level 5 / DD Birds of levels 3/4 (18:55)
5. Procellariiformes / Petrels (petrels) / Charadriiformes (26:20)
6. Anseriformes / Pelecaniformes / Pelican: Case study (33:04)
7. Ciconiiformes (Egrets) / Egrets (Ardeidae) / Storks (Ciconiidae) (41:24)
8. Gruiformes (Crane birds) / Cranes: DD Egrets, burbles, cranes (51:22)
9. Question about loyalty of cranes / Phoenicopteriformes (flamingos) (58:32)
10. Sphenisciformes (penguins) / DD Albatrosses, seagulls / Leprous feeling (64:12)
11. Miasmatic spectrum of songbirds / Are crow birds Passeriformes? / Notes about upcoming seminars / Ending and farewell (70:27)
Datei/Part 14 Additional visual material with presentation (PDF)
Dr. Shachindra Joshi (left) / Dr. Bhawisha Joshi (right)
Dr. Bhawisha Joshi (MD Hom) und Dr. Shachindra Joshi (MD Hom) sind innerhalb der Sensation-Homöopathie die weltweit führenden Erforscher und Kenner der tierischen Heilmittel. Ausgehend von einer klaren zoologischen Systematik, verifiziert durch eigene Arzneimittelprüfungen und hunderte geheilte Fälle haben die Joshis ein nachvollziehbares System geschaffen, das ein tiefes Verständnis bekannter wie auch neuer tierischer Arzneimittelfamilien ermöglicht. In Deutschland sind sie bekannt durch ihre Bücher zum Periodensystem, den Imponderabilien und Nosoden, die eine vertiefte Sicht auf diese Mittelgruppen eröffnen.
Ihr großes Verdienst besteht in der Erforschung der Verbindung zwischen tierischen Heilmitteln und ihren Entsprechungen zu den Themen der Reihen und Spalten des Periodensystems. Als Lehrer vermitteln die Joshis ihre profunden Kenntnisse auf spielerische und humorvolle Weise. Ihr lebendiger Unterrichtsstil inspiriert die TeilnehmerInnen ihrer Seminare auf leichtfüßige Weise die Übereinstimmung des Musters zwischen Mensch und Mittel in den vorgestellten Fällen zu erkennen und setzt damit nachhaltige Impulse für die eigene Praxistätigkeit.
Weitere Informationen zu Dr. Bhawisha und Dr. Shachindra Joshi finden Sie hier:
13 Audio-CDs und eine Extra-CDR in 2 kompakten Buchformatboxen oder als MP3-Download.
Bild auf der Covervorderseite:Collage von Cordula Brandt © Verlag Homöopathie + Symbol
Verlag Homöopathie + Symbol, Martin Bomhardt, Liebigstr. 36, 10247 Berlin, E-Mail: info@homsym.de
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Angaben zur Produktsicherheit / Warnhinweise
Dieser Titel (Inhalt des Produkts) enthält fachkundliche Informationen für/über Heilberufe und heilkundliche Anwendungen, jedoch keine Werbung für bestimmte Heilmittel/-behandlungen. Er gibt ausschließlich die persönliche Meinung und subjektive Erfahrung des/der jeweiligen Autor*in*nen wieder. Keinesfalls können bestimmte Inhalte, insbesondere im Medium wiedergegebene Hinweise zu medizinischen Anwendungen (z. B. zur Einnahme bestimmer Arzneien) als konkreter Ratgeber oder gar Anleitung zur (Selbst-)Behandlung verstanden werden, insbesondere nicht von medizinischen Laien. Im Falle eines Behandlungsbedarfs halten Sie bitte Rücksprache mit professionellen Therapeut*innen, inbesondere Ihrem Hausarzt/Ärztin, um mögliche gesundheitliche Folgen und Schäden einer unprofessionellen Eigenanwendung zu vermeiden.
Dynamis Homöopathie Seminare, Wyka Feige
Van-Delden-Haus, Berlin, 25.-27. Mai 2018
Aus Gründen des Patientenschutzes wurden die Stimmen von Patienten in den Kasuistik-Videos digital verzerrt und somit unkenntlich gemacht. Die wesentlichen Informationen zu den Fällen werden von den Referent*innen jedoch zumeist wiederholt, so dass es hier lediglich um einen Höreindruck geht.
For reasons of patient protection their original voices (from the case videos) have been digitally distorted to make them unrecognizable. However, the lecturers mostly repeat the essential information about the case, so that the voice would only serve as an acustic impression.
This seminar is also available with German translation. Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich:
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