Dr. Farokh Master

Dr. Farokh Master has a vast teaching experience, teaching homeopathy since August 1980 in India and many International Homeopathic colleges.

He has published more than 50 books and contributed many articles in local newspapers on homeopathy for laymen and also many homeopathic journals for homeopathic students and physicians.

He has presented many scientific research papers in International Homeopathic conferences and has also conducted numerous seminars both in India and abroad for homeopathic students and physicians.

He also has been conferred with many National and International Awards for his contribution towards the science of Homeopathy.

(c) DZVhÄ (Bundesverband)

Dr. Farokh Master has a vast teaching experience, teaching homeopathy since August 1980 in India and many International Homeopathic colleges. He has published more than 50 books and contributed... mehr erfahren »
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Dr. Farokh Master

Dr. Farokh Master has a vast teaching experience, teaching homeopathy since August 1980 in India and many International Homeopathic colleges.

He has published more than 50 books and contributed many articles in local newspapers on homeopathy for laymen and also many homeopathic journals for homeopathic students and physicians.

He has presented many scientific research papers in International Homeopathic conferences and has also conducted numerous seminars both in India and abroad for homeopathic students and physicians.

He also has been conferred with many National and International Awards for his contribution towards the science of Homeopathy.

(c) DZVhÄ (Bundesverband)

Homeopathy & Cancer Treatment. Homöopathie & Krebsbehandlung. Kongress Locarno 2014
Homeopathy & Cancer Treatment. Homöopathie & Krebsbehandlung. Kongress Locarno 2014
139,00 € *
P für 124 Punkte
Lac Remedies / Die Milchmittel
Lac Remedies / Die Milchmittel
16,80 € * 21,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
Entwicklung von Kindern in ihrer Familie im Kontext ihrer Umweltsituation (Seminar)
Entwicklung von Kindern in ihrer Familie im Kontext ihrer Umweltsituation (Seminar)
7,90 € * 16,80 € (Regulärer Preis)
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Homeopathy & Cancer Treatment. Homöopathie & Krebsbehandlung. Kongress Locarno 2014
Homeopathy & Cancer Treatment. Homöopathie & Krebsbehandlung. Kongress Locarno 2014
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139,00 € *
Lac Remedies / Die Milchmittel
Lac Remedies / Die Milchmittel
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16,80 € * 21,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
Entwicklung von Kindern in ihrer Familie im Kontext ihrer Umweltsituation (Seminar)
Entwicklung von Kindern in ihrer Familie im Kontext ihrer Umweltsituation (Seminar)
Video-DVD (Bild und Ton) 159. Jahrestagung des DZVhÄ e.V. CD-Ausverkauf! Nur solange Vorrat noch reicht... Als Download weiterhin erhältlich! Der Referent über seinen Vortrag Dieser Vortrag als Video-DVD im Ausverkauf aktuell mit über 50% Rabatt nur 7,90 € (statt 16,80 €)!
7,90 € * 16,80 € (Regulärer Preis)


Kurze Einführung / Vortrag Homöopathie-Anfänger/Interessierte
Umfassende Darstellung / Seminar Unterricht für Schüler/Anfänger
Besondere Thematik Seelenreise (Trance)
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