Frederik Schroyens

"Reality is free of loss."

  • 1977, June: Medical Doctor, MD at State University of Gent, Belgium
  • 1978, June: graduate of the one-year Homeopathic Training Course at the Faculty for Homeopathy in London
  • Since 1978 homeopathic practice in Gent, Belgium
  • Since 1981 Founding President and teacher of the first Flemish School for Classical Homeopathy in Gent, Belgium.
  • In 1987 appointed as the main link between George Vithoulkas (Greece) and the programming team of the University of Namur (Belgium) during the development of the Vithoulkas Expert System.
  • Since 1988 lecturing and giving homeopathic seminars in different countries in Europe, North and South America, Asia and South Africa.
  • Published several books on homeopathy, for professionals and for the public.
  • Editor of Synthesis, Homeopathic Repertory, first printed in German in 1993. Synthesis has been printed in six languages and software versions exist in ten languages.
  • Published several articles, mostly about the Repertory.

(c) DZVhÄ (Bundesverband)

"Reality is free of loss." 1977, June: Medical Doctor, MD at State University of Gent, Belgium 1978, June: graduate of the one-year Homeopathic Training Course at the Faculty for Homeopathy in... mehr erfahren »
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Frederik Schroyens

"Reality is free of loss."

  • 1977, June: Medical Doctor, MD at State University of Gent, Belgium
  • 1978, June: graduate of the one-year Homeopathic Training Course at the Faculty for Homeopathy in London
  • Since 1978 homeopathic practice in Gent, Belgium
  • Since 1981 Founding President and teacher of the first Flemish School for Classical Homeopathy in Gent, Belgium.
  • In 1987 appointed as the main link between George Vithoulkas (Greece) and the programming team of the University of Namur (Belgium) during the development of the Vithoulkas Expert System.
  • Since 1988 lecturing and giving homeopathic seminars in different countries in Europe, North and South America, Asia and South Africa.
  • Published several books on homeopathy, for professionals and for the public.
  • Editor of Synthesis, Homeopathic Repertory, first printed in German in 1993. Synthesis has been printed in six languages and software versions exist in ten languages.
  • Published several articles, mostly about the Repertory.

(c) DZVhÄ (Bundesverband)

14. Internationaler Coethener Erfahrungsaustausch (ICE 14) (Paketpreis)
14. Internationaler Coethener Erfahrungsaustausch (ICE 14) (Paketpreis)
79,00 € *
Wie kommen klinische Erfahrungen ins Repertorium?
Wie kommen klinische Erfahrungen ins Repertorium?
5,90 € * 12,80 € (Regulärer Preis)
Erkenntnistheoretische Entwicklung homöopathischer Familien
Erkenntnistheoretische Entwicklung homöopathischer Familien
7,90 € * 16,80 € (Regulärer Preis)
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Wie kommen klinische Erfahrungen ins Repertorium?
Wie kommen klinische Erfahrungen ins Repertorium?
CD-Ausverkauf! Nur solange Vorrat noch reicht... Als Download weiterhin erhältlich! Clinical experience has been added to the Repertory since the first repertories. In the past, such additions were most often made without transparency and without perspective, other than to have the addition in the repertory. The criteria to include clinical additions following several...
5,90 € * 12,80 € (Regulärer Preis)
14. Internationaler Coethener Erfahrungsaustausch (ICE 14) (Paketpreis)
14. Internationaler Coethener Erfahrungsaustausch (ICE 14) (Paketpreis)
Der 14. Internationaler Coethener Erfahrungsaustausch (WissHom-Kongress) hatte den Themenschwerpunkt "Von der Fallanalyse zur Behandlungskompetenz - aus eigenen Fällen lernen". Besonderes Interesse der Vorträge war daher, wie wir Praxiserfahrungen nutzen können, um unser homöopathisches Wissen individuell und kollektiv zu vertiefen. Von der Sammlung von Kasuistiken zu...
79,00 € *
Erkenntnistheoretische Entwicklung homöopathischer Familien
Erkenntnistheoretische Entwicklung homöopathischer Familien
Video-DVD (Bild und Ton) 159. Jahrestagung des DZVhÄ e.V. CD-Ausverkauf! Nur solange Vorrat noch reicht... Als Download weiterhin erhältlich! Erkenntnistheoretische Entwicklung homöopathischer Familien. Der Referent über seinen Vortrag The past and present homeopathic literature will be reviewed in order to understand the homeopathic family information from different angles:...
7,90 € * 16,80 € (Regulärer Preis)


Kurze Einführung / Vortrag Homöopathie-Anfänger/Interessierte
Umfassende Darstellung / Seminar Unterricht für Schüler/Anfänger
Besondere Thematik Seelenreise (Trance)
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