Er gründete 1986 die "Dynamis School" ( Das umfangreiche Ausbildungsprogramm seiner Schule dozierte er vor Fachpublikum auf der ganzen Welt. Sherr unterhält Professuren am Yunan Medical College, Kunming, China und an der homöopathischen Universität Candegabe.
Jeremy verbindet klare Didaktik mit professioneller Vortragsweise, die auch komplizierte Dinge sehr einfach, anschaulich und prägnant erklärt. Begleitend stellt er immer wieder verschiedene Fälle mit Nachbeobachtung vor, und zur Veranschaulichung abstrakter Sachverhalte greift er vielfach mit erfrischendem Humor auf Geschichten und Allegorien zurück. Bei ihm finden sich tiefe Einsichten ins Wesen der Arzneien mit erstaunlichen und z. T. mystischen Erfahrungen verknüpft.
Als Autor vieler homöopathischer Bücher und Fachartikel haben sich vor allem seine Titel "The Dynamic and Methadology of Homoeopathic Provings" und "Dynamic Materia Medica of Syphilis" zu Bestsellern und Standardwerken an vielen Schulen entwickelt.
Seit einigen Jahren arbeitet Sherr in Tansania mit seinem Projekt "Homeopathy for Health in Africa" ( in dem vor allem HIV-infizierte Menschen behandelt werden und die Erkrankung homöopathisch erforscht wird.
Jeremy Sherr was born in South Africa and grew up in Israel. He began his homoeopathic studies in 1980 at the College of Homoeopathy, London. He simultaneously completed a degree in Acupuncture at the International College of Oriental Medicine. Though he practices classical homeopathy exclusively, his knowledge of Chinese Medicine shines through his homeopathic thinking.
Jeremy began taught in most of the British schools of homeopathy and began the Dynamis School in 1986. His school is the longest running post-graduate homeopathy course in the world. He has taught the Dynamis curriculum extensivly in England, Ireland, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Israel, Canada, and the Throughout the United States. Jeremy has lectured in Spain, Italy, Germany, Check republic, Bulgaria, China, Russia, India, Japan, South Africa, Swazinland, Mexico, New Zealand and Australia. He maintains busy practices in London, Tel Aviv, and New York.
He was awarded a fellowship from the Society of Homoeopaths in 1991 and a Ph.D. from Medicina Alternativa and from Pioneer University. He is a member of the North American Society of Homeopaths and the Israeli Society for Classical Homoeopathy. Jeremy is an honorary professor at Yunan Medical College, Kunming, China, and an associate Professor at university Candegabe for Homoeopathy, Argentina.
He is the author of numerous homoeopathic books and journal articles and has proved 35 new homeopathic remedies. His books the Dynamic and Methadology of Homoeopathic provings and Dynamic Materia Medica of Syphilis are homoeopathic bestsellers and are used as textbooks in many schools. He is currently working on a series of books on the Noble gases, the first of which 'Helium' has just been published. He is also the Author of Q-Rep, the repertory of Mental Qualities.
During the last 5 years Jeremy has been working in Tanzania on his project `Homeopathy for Health in Africa´ treating AIDS patients and researching the genus epidemicus of AIDS.