Rachel Roberts

Ms Rachel Roberts BSc(Hons) MCH FSHom

Chief Executive

Rachel joined the Homeopathy Research Institute in March 2010. She has a first class honours degree in Biological Sciences (Physiology) from the University of Birmingham and has been in private practice as a homeopath since graduating from The College of Homeopathy, London in 1997. Rachel has lectured in homeopathy and medical sciences at various colleges in the UK and overseas. She held the post of Research Consultant for the Society of Homeopaths from 2008-2012. Rachel was awarded an Honorary Fellowship in 2013 to acknowledge her outstanding contribution to Homeopathy.

For further information: www.homeoinst.org

Ms Rachel Roberts BSc(Hons) MCH FSHom Chief Executive Rachel joined the Homeopathy Research Institute in March 2010. She has a first class honours degree in Biological Sciences (Physiology) from... mehr erfahren »
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Rachel Roberts

Ms Rachel Roberts BSc(Hons) MCH FSHom

Chief Executive

Rachel joined the Homeopathy Research Institute in March 2010. She has a first class honours degree in Biological Sciences (Physiology) from the University of Birmingham and has been in private practice as a homeopath since graduating from The College of Homeopathy, London in 1997. Rachel has lectured in homeopathy and medical sciences at various colleges in the UK and overseas. She held the post of Research Consultant for the Society of Homeopaths from 2008-2012. Rachel was awarded an Honorary Fellowship in 2013 to acknowledge her outstanding contribution to Homeopathy.

For further information: www.homeoinst.org

Internationales Symposium Berlin 2013 der Homöopathen ohne Grenzen e. V.
Internationales Symposium Berlin 2013 der Homöopathen ohne Grenzen e. V.
59,00 € * 119,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
The power of research in homoeopathy. Weathering the storm with hard facts. Int. Symposium HOG Berlin 2013
The power of research in homoeopathy. Weathering the storm with hard facts. Int. Symposium HOG Berlin 2013
ab 19,90 € *
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Internationales Symposium Berlin 2013 der Homöopathen ohne Grenzen e. V.
Internationales Symposium Berlin 2013 der Homöopathen ohne Grenzen e. V.
Video-DVDs (Bild und Ton) CD-Ausverkauf! Nur solange Vorrat noch reicht... Als Download weiterhin erhältlich! Homöopathen ohne Grenzen Was mit einem ersten humanitären Projekt in Bosnien-Herzegowina begann, setzen die Homöopathen ohne Grenzen e. V. (HOG) inzwischen weltweit in zahlreichen Ländern fort. Schwerpunkte ihres Engagements sind humanitäre Projekte : sowohl die...
59,00 € * 119,00 € (Regulärer Preis)
The power of research in homoeopathy. Weathering the storm with hard facts. Int. Symposium HOG Berlin 2013
The power of research in homoeopathy. Weathering the storm with hard facts. Int. Symposium HOG Berlin 2013
Video-DVD (Bild und Ton) CD-Ausverkauf! Nur solange Vorrat noch reicht... Als Download weiterhin erhältlich! Englische Originalversion! Die Homöopathie hat vor allem in akademischen Kreisen starke Gegner , die sie regelmäßig attackieren. Um sich gegen solche Angriffe erfolgreich zur Wehr zu setzen, sollte die homöopathische Gemeinschaft möglichst mit einer Stimme sprechen...
ab 19,90 € *


Kurze Einführung / Vortrag Homöopathie-Anfänger/Interessierte
Umfassende Darstellung / Seminar Unterricht für Schüler/Anfänger
Besondere Thematik Seelenreise (Trance)
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