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Dr. Bhawisha Joshi - Dr. Shachindra Joshi
Raptors and other Birds. Homoeopathy with the MAP System
For many years Dres. Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi have been internationally cherished for their most valuable contributions to a way of remedy classification and identification that is guided by the matrix of the periodic table. Their deepest interest is directed to the medicinal treasure of the animal kingdom, about which they have already published several books - most recently a huge compendium on Birds in homeopathy. It grounds in the huge wealth of clinical experience the authors draw from their daily consultations with patients suffering from most various diseases!
This is how the "Joshis MAP" ("Minerals, Animals, Plants") was created, also in exchange with other researchers like Sankaran or Scholten. It is designed as a map through the homeopathic periodic table, comprehending all three natural kingdoms. For the individual consultation this navigation system enables an accurate determination of the appropriate series (level) and column of the PSE and thus leads to an highly specific individual remedy from the huge range of thousands of plants, minerals and animals.
How do you apply this approach as a special form of sensation method in the consultation? What aspects should be considered when taking a case, which questions are most relevant? How can the relevant patterns be reliably determined and how can similar drugs be differentiated well?
The latest Berlin seminar is entirely dedicated to the animal class of birds. At the beginning, the speakers give an introduction into the MAP matrix, its levels and columns. It becomes clear that every cell (as a crossing point between level and column) can not only contain the associated element (mineral), but likewise a plant or an animal. The inner relationship between the homeopathic kingdoms of nature is, among other indications, confirmed by the observation that during the treatment process a patient sometimes need an animal, a plant and/or a mineral from the same cell (e.g. Argentum and Lac equinum)
The dominant need and topic of all bird remedies is freedom ("freedom is like light"), whereby the basic level of birds is the 3rd series (Silica series: communication, relationship, group, family). The present seminar is specifically dedicated to three orders of the bird class: the goose birds (Anseriformes = geese, ducks, swans. Base level 3, predominant level 5) and the raptors: Accipitriformes (base 3, predominant and/or capacity levels 6 and 6L) and Falconiformes (3/5/6L).
In the presented case studies the bird species Accipiter gentilis (hawk), Geranoaetus melanoleucus (blue buzzard, aguja), Falco peregrinus (peregrine falcon), Aquila chrysaetos (golden eagle) and Anas platyrhynchos indica (Indian duck) are used as significant examples for the essentials of their groups.
The Joshi seminar again delves deep into the animal kingdom, explores its human counterparts and thus gives us access to the homeopathy of animal families and species that would hardly be possible by using classical methods of analysis only.
Additional visual material with presentations (PDF)!
Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich!
This seminar is also available with German translation: DH-221D
Audio sample 2: Accipiter gentilis case
![]() | Dieses Seminar als Download derzeit nur 59,- € (statt 69,- €, |
- Artikel-Nr.: DH-221E
- Abspieldauer (ca.): 9 Std. 32 Min.
- Edition: DH (Dynamis Homöopathie Berlin)
- Schlüsselworte: Accipiter gentilis Adler Anas indica Aquila chrysaetos Arzneimittelfindung Chionanthus virginicus Empfindungsmethode Falco peregrinus Geier Geranoaetus melanoleucus MAP System (Joshi) Periodensystem Raubvögel Serien PSE Tadorna tadorna Tierreich Vögel
For many years Dres. Bhawisha and Shachindra Joshi have been internationally cherished for their most valuable contributions to a way of remedy classification and identification that is guided by the matrix of the periodic table. Their deepest interest is directed to the medicinal treasure of the animal kingdom, about which they have already published several books - most recently a huge compendium on Birds in homeopathy. It grounds in the huge wealth of clinical experience the authors draw from their daily consultations with patients suffering from most various diseases!
This is how the "Joshis MAP" ("Minerals, Animals, Plants") was created, also in exchange with other researchers like Sankaran or Scholten. It is designed as a map through the homeopathic periodic table, comprehending all three natural kingdoms. For the individual consultation this navigation system enables an accurate determination of the appropriate series (level) and column of the PSE and thus leads to an highly specific individual remedy from the huge range of thousands of plants, minerals and animals.
How do you apply this approach as a special form of sensation method in the consultation? What aspects should be considered when taking a case, which questions are most relevant? How can the relevant patterns be reliably determined and how can similar drugs be differentiated well?
The latest Berlin seminar is entirely dedicated to the animal class of birds. At the beginning, the speakers give an introduction into the MAP matrix, its levels and columns. It becomes clear that every cell (as a crossing point between level and column) can not only contain the associated element (mineral), but likewise a plant or an animal. The inner relationship between the homeopathic kingdoms of nature is, among other indications, confirmed by the observation that during the treatment process a patient sometimes need an animal, a plant and/or a mineral from the same cell (e.g. Argentum and Lac equinum)
How can we use MAP in a practical and helpful manner as an orientation for the case taking process? The levels can be understood as patterns for classifying the patient's individual problem. They represent the kind of problem by symptoms, behavior and especially the way of verbal expression ("key words"). Illness occurs when a patient gets fixed in a certain pattern and cannot cope with the associated conflicts on his own. With the help of the correct remedy those conflicts and negative feelings can be overcome.
The Joshis found out that the identification of the right remedy within the animal kingdom is possible by a three-fold assignment of levels: The "basic level" describes the fundamental PSE series. It is dynamically overlaid by the "predominant level". As a third aspect, the capacity level refers to the patient's competence. The combination of these three levels results in the appropriate zoological order (e.g. Anseriformes = goose birds as a combination of 3/5/5 or 3/5/3). Finally the PSE column (as the concrete way of acting) leads directly to the individual species resp. homeopathic substance.
The dominant need and topic of all bird remedies is freedom ("freedom is like light"), whereby the basic level of birds is the 3rd series (Silica series: communication, relationship, group, family). The present seminar is specifically dedicated to three orders of the bird class: the goose birds (Anseriformes = geese, ducks, swans. Base level 3, predominant level 5) and the raptors: Accipitriformes (base 3, predominant and/or capacity levels 6 and 6L) and Falconiformes (3/5/6L).
Raptor patients are often leaders, bosses, chairmen, for example in companies. Typical for them as leaders is to give space also to other people, for their personal development. The bird families with lanthanide traits (6L) are particularly concerned with freedom through autonomy and associated conflicts towards their group. How can patients needing a remedy from the falcon group vs. the eagle group be differentiated? Also similarities and differences with the mammals are interesting here.
Typical of Joshi seminars are their patient cases, which illustrate the case taking and remedy finding by presenting relevant essentials of the consultations within the course of treatment. The cases discussed in this seminar suffer from various medical problems: acne vulgaris, hair loss, hypothyroidism, PCOD, hepatocellular carcinoma, depression, degenerative arthritis, osteomyelitis, insomnia, anxiety. This variety also shows clearly that for the remedy decision the physical pathology is less relevant than the mental-emotional pattern.
In the presented case studies the bird species Accipiter gentilis (hawk), Geranoaetus melanoleucus (blue buzzard, aguja), Falco peregrinus (peregrine falcon), Aquila chrysaetos (golden eagle) and Anas platyrhynchos indica (Indian duck) are used as significant examples for the essentials of their groups.
The Joshi seminar again delves deep into the animal kingdom, explores its human counterparts and thus gives us access to the homeopathy of animal families and species that would hardly be possible by using classical methods of analysis only.
Additional visual material with presentations (PDF)!
13 Slides from seminar presentation (PDF) and 13 JPG pictures from pages of "Birds" book!Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich!
This seminar is also available with German translation: DH-221D
1. Introduction / Relations between kingdoms / Argentum and Lac equinum (00:00)
2. Practical usability of the grid in clinic / Levels and columns: animal, plant and mineral (24:12)
3. A brief description of the levels: L1 conception / L2 fetus to infant stage / L3 toddler to teenager / L4 Adult / L5 Achiever / L6 Leader / L7 the next step (33:52)
4. Getting stuck in one level / How levels contribute to the world / Not being judgmental as homeopaths / Transformation of the negative feeling (47:52)
5. Levels from various aspects / Symptoms, behavior, day-to-day life (57:28)
6. Case 1 (Male 43): Renal stones / irritable bowel syndrome / L3 Identity (01:02:45)
Day 1 - Part 2 (01:38:20)
1. Asking questions about the level / Lanthanide or birds answer: freedom / Column 8 (black sheep) (00:00)
2. Case 1 cont.: support of the group / against the direction of others / Stubborn Col. 8 (11:43)
3. Predominant level and capacity level / DD Eagles and hawks (20:07)
4. Case 1: Hawk or eagle? / Hawks and kites / Always on the run, always active / DD Mammals: high metabolism (29:16)
5. Case 1: Freedom is like light / Raptors: leaders giving space to others / Accipiter gentilis (45:53)
6. Case 1: Follow up / Berberis vulgaris (51:49)
7. Predominant and capacity level / How to know the column of the species / Col. 8 and columns in general (58:10)
8. Case 2 (Woman): Acne vulgaris / Acne, Prolaps lumbal spine, tiredness (01:14:58)
Day 2 - Part 1 (01:27:24)
1. Case 2: which level? / Being the head (boss) / More doors open (00:00)
2. DD Level 6L and 6 / Feeling the experience: world opening up (07:12)
3. Raptor cases: aspect of social and spiritual qualities / 6L Raptors and ethics (10:18)
4. DD eagles and other raptors / Vulture: 6L-6L-7 / Between life and death (23:53)
5. Case 2: column within Eagles / No father (28:34)
6. Col 6 DD Col. 8 / Wants to be defensive / Impulsive with regret (40:52)
7. Which animal do you identify with? / Geranoaetus melanoleucus (Black chested buzzard eagle) 3-6L-6 Col. 6 / Feeling of something gripped (54:45)
8. Case 3 (Female, 29): Hair fall + hypothyreodism + PCOD / Asking about stress factors / Characteristics of invertebrates (01:03:29)
9. Case 3: Consultation (01:22:30)
Day 2 - Part 2 (51:46)
1. Differentiation of predominant level and capacity level (00:00)
2. Question: Level 2, 3 and base level (06:11)
3. Case 3: Pleasing others (14:55)
4. Column 8 experience (24:44)
5. Strong need of soul mate (37:41)
6. Falconiformes (3-5-6L) Falco Peregrino (46:45)
Day 2 - Part 3 (02:04:00)
1. Case 2 cont.: Falco peregrino (00:00)
2. Comparision plants vs. raptor groups / Case 3: Hepatocellular carcinoma (13:08)
3. Level 3-6-6, Col. 10 / Golden Eagle: Aquila chrysaetos (23:04)
4. Working with cancer / Chionanthus virginicus / Lamiales: Level 6 (29:40)
5. Plants corresponding to raptors (6L) / Asteridae - Lamiidae - Rubiales (36:43)
6. The second wave of Covid / Level 6: lost control, lost autonomy, lost freedom / Aspidosperma quebracho, Strophantus, Apocynum / Crotalus horridus (3-4-6) (47:04)
7. Question on potencies (52:06)
8. Case 4: Depression, degenerative arthritis, osteomyelitis / Pain in the hand, wrist joint (01:01:15)
9. Case 4: not expressing emotions / Relationship matters: level 3 / osteomyelitis and col. 17 (01:13:59)
10. Case 4: Predominant level 5 / Wants to be treated special / Level 3-5-3 (01:29:46)
11. Case 4: Anseriformes / Goose, ducks, swans / Need to be by oneself sometimes (01:45:57)
12. Case 4: Relation to water / Being guided / What was the remedy? / What do you like in nature? (/ Anas platyrhynchos indica (3-5-3, Col. 2/17) 01:55:13)
Day 2 - Part 4 (02:00:16)
1. Anseriformes / Looking up to someone as a guide / Need for support / Impressionable/ Violence, abuse (00:00)
2. Case 4: Follow-up (08:53)
3. Calcium fluor vs. Calcium phos. (19:26)
4. Definition of the family within the levels (27:02)
5. Case 5 (Male, 60): Sleeplessness, anxieties (33:14)
6. Guided by the track / Base level 3 (47:42)
7. Following better than resting / Perception of persecution (53:38)
8. Level 5: creativity / Feeling naked, defense level down (01:02:14)
9. Case 5: aspect of leadership / calm, sensible things (01:13:59)
10. Issue of direction / Problem: making several decisions at a time (01:18:39)
11. Case 5: FU (6 months later) / More space to be calm / Anseriformes / Tadorna tadorna (01:32:20)
12. Questions and answers (01:44:27)
Joshi, Bhawisha
Dr. Shachindra Joshi
Dr. Bhawisha Joshi (MD Hom) und Dr. Shachindra Joshi (MD Hom) sind innerhalb der Sensation-Homöopathie die weltweit führenden Erforscher und Kenner der tierischen Heilmittel. Ausgehend von einer klaren zoologischen Systematik, verifiziert durch eigene Arzneimittelprüfungen und hunderte geheilte Fälle haben die Joshis ein nachvollziehbares System geschaffen, das ein tiefes Verständnis bekannter wie auch neuer tierischer Arzneimittelfamilien ermöglicht. In Deutschland sind sie bekannt durch ihre Bücher zum Periodensystem, den Imponderabilien und Nosoden, die eine vertiefte Sicht auf diese Mittelgruppen eröffnen.
Ihr großes Verdienst besteht in der Erforschung der Verbindung zwischen tierischen Heilmitteln und ihren Entsprechungen zu den Themen der Reihen und Spalten des Periodensystems. Als Lehrer vermitteln die Joshis ihre profunden Kenntnisse auf spielerische und humorvolle Weise. Ihr lebendiger Unterrichtsstil inspiriert die TeilnehmerInnen ihrer Seminare auf leichtfüßige Weise die Übereinstimmung des Musters zwischen Mensch und Mittel in den vorgestellten Fällen zu erkennen und setzt damit nachhaltige Impulse für die eigene Praxistätigkeit.
Nähere Informationen über unseren Autor Dr. Shachindra Joshi (Webseite): https://www.drjoshisclinic.com
Information on the authors' new book about Birds in MAP System is available here: "The System of MAP and Birds in Homeopathy"
6 Audio-Dateien als MP3-Download sowie verschiedenes Seminarmaterial im PDF-Format.
Bild auf der Covervorderseite:Collage von Cordula Brandt © Verlag Homöopathie + Symbol
Verlag Homöopathie + Symbol, Martin Bomhardt, Liebigstr. 36, 10247 Berlin, E-Mail: info@homsym.de
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Angaben zur Produktsicherheit / Warnhinweise
Dieser Titel (Inhalt des Produkts) enthält fachkundliche Informationen für/über Heilberufe und heilkundliche Anwendungen, jedoch keine Werbung für bestimmte Heilmittel/-behandlungen. Er gibt ausschließlich die persönliche Meinung und subjektive Erfahrung des/der jeweiligen Autor*in*nen wieder. Keinesfalls können bestimmte Inhalte, insbesondere im Medium wiedergegebene Hinweise zu medizinischen Anwendungen (z. B. zur Einnahme bestimmer Arzneien) als konkreter Ratgeber oder gar Anleitung zur (Selbst-)Behandlung verstanden werden, insbesondere nicht von medizinischen Laien. Im Falle eines Behandlungsbedarfs halten Sie bitte Rücksprache mit professionellen Therapeut*innen, inbesondere Ihrem Hausarzt/Ärztin, um mögliche gesundheitliche Folgen und Schäden einer unprofessionellen Eigenanwendung zu vermeiden.
Online-ZOOM-Seminar (Dynamis Homöopathie Seminare, Wyka Feige)
4./5. Juni 20212019
Remarks on the case taking interviewsTo protect the patients' privacy their voices (in the interview recordings) had to be scrambled and distorted, so some passages and expressions might be less understandable. The authors summarize all important information however, so relevant aspects are not missing.
This seminar is also available with German translation. Dieses Seminar ist auch mit deutscher Übersetzung erhältlich:
Additional recommendation:
Information on the authors' new book about Birds in MAP System is available here: "The System of MAP and Birds in Homeopathy"
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