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Dr. Farokh Master
Lac Remedies / Die Milchmittel
Video-DVD (Bild und Ton)
159. Jahrestagung des DZVhÄ e.V.
Kurzbeschreibung des Vortrags durch den Referenten
The use of the first Lac remedies in Homoeopathy was only by difficult labor and overcoming strong opposition. Many stalwarts of Homoeopathy rejected it when Dr. Samuel Swan introduced them for the first time. The main reason was that, "milk is a food and it does not have any influence on human body to develop any pathogenesis".
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- Artikel-Nr.: DZ-209-04
- Edition: DZ (DZVhÄ)
- Schlüsselworte: Lac caninum Lac delphinum Lac felinum Lac humanum Lac lupi Milche
Kurzbeschreibung des Vortrags durch den Referenten
The use of the first Lac remedies in Homoeopathy was only by difficult labor and overcoming strong opposition. Many stalwarts of Homoeopathy rejected it when Dr. Samuel Swan introduced them for the first time. The main reason was that, "milk is a food and it does not have any influence on human body to develop any pathogenesis".
T.F. Allen in his Handbook of Materia Medica rejected outright many drugs because of their "inutility and unreliability". In one of his articles in Hahnemannian Monthly, vol. XII, April 1877, pp. 479-480, he not only criticized Dr. Swan, but also rejected the proving of Mure and Houatt.
It was at this juncture that Dr. Swan announced his materia medica of nosodes and introduced Lac remedies to the world of Homoeopathy.
The idea for my work on Lacs came only after I understood from knowledge of psychology the inner meaning of lactation, nurturing and the emotion of new born and infants.
Bildausschnitte aus der Video-DVD
Dr. Farokh J. Master
Der Referent:
Dr. Master has a vast teaching experience, teaching homeopathy since August 1980 in India and many International Homeopathic colleges.
He has published more than 50 books and contributed many articles in local newspapers on homeopathy for laymen and also many homeopathic journals for homeopathic students and physicians.
He has presented many scientific research papers in International Homeopathic conferences and has also conducted numerous seminars both in India and abroad for homeopathic students and physicians.
He also has been conferred with many National and International Awards for his contribution towards the science of Homeopathy.
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Dieser Vortrag ist Teil der 159. Jahrestagung des DZVhÄ 2009 in Bingen. Die gesamte Tagung mit allen Vorträgen auf Video-DVD können Sie zum stark vergünstigten Paketpreis ebenfalls bei uns erhalten: DZ-209